The film starts off with the inauguration of ‘Vikram Dewan Memorial Hospital’ at the hands of Aditya Singh Dewan (Sharman Joshi) & Siya Singh Dewan (Zareen Khan). This is followed by a ‘one-on-one’ interview of Siya Singh Dewan by a TV channel wherein she touches upon her past and relates that to her present day situation. The success chart of the Dewans keeps on increasing every passing day.
One fine day, a die-hard admirer of Aditya and his business acumen gifts him a swanky new car which catches him by surprise. On ‘investigation’, they find out that the swanky and costly car has been gifted by a certain Saurabh Singhania (Karan Singh Grover), who invites Aditya and Siya for a business lunch. Amidst the lunch, Saurabh offers unlimited and seamless help to Aditya because he likes people who are self made. Just as when Aditya starts thinking about the offer, Saurabh lays a condition that he will help Aditya provided he sends his wife Siya to spend a night with him. Needless to say that, this infuriates Aditya, who walks away in a huff. This then leads to Saurabh destroying Aditya’s empire slowly, gradually… but successfully.
Saurabh makes his first move towards Aditya’s destruction by contaminating the soft drink company owned by Aditya. And when Saurabh becomes successful in doing so, a smart Aditya, very conveniently pushes the blame to his extremely loyal company secretary Kaaya (Daisy Shah) to shoulder the blame. After this, in order to know Saurabh’s game plan, the ever-scheming Aditya then sends Kaaya as a honey trap to Saurabh. A couple of events later, Kaaya gets killed with her body found amidst the bushes. Why was Kaaya killed and who are her killers, why is Saurabh out to destroy Aditya’s empire, does Siya accept Saurabh’s indecent proposal and is Siya and Saurabh’s relationship only pertaining to business or is it more than what meets the eye is what forms the rest of the film.
The veteran film maker Vikram Bhatt is responsible for HATE STORY 3′s story and screenplay. And he does a neat job at that (a few plots and sub plots notwithstanding). The story though amateurish has enough twists and turns to keep the viewer hooked. The high point of the film is that the narrative that holds your attention right from the word when Karan Singh Grover’s character reveals his true intentions.
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